Chronische Erkrankungen, Multimorbidität, Polypharmazie
Jordan A, Nothacker J, Paucke V, Hager KH, Hueber S, Karimzadeh A, Kötter T, Löffler C, Müller BS, Tajdar D, Lühmann D, Scherer M, Schäfer I. Association Between Self-Reported Protective Behavior and Heat-Associated Health Complaints Among Patients With Chronic Diseases in Primary Care: Results of the CLIMATE Pilot Cohort Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2024 Nov 4;10:e58711. doi: 10.2196/58711. PMID: 39496153.
Stolz R, Krause O, Junius‑Walker U, Thürmann P, Fuchs A, Wilm S, Wollny A, Rebentisch F, Wiese B, Joos S, Haumann H. The role of qualification and quality management in the prescription of antipsychotics and potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) in nursing home residents in Germany: results of the HIOPP‑3‑iTBXstudy. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2023.
Santos S, Pentzek M, Altiner A, Daubmann A, Drewelow E, Helbig C, Löffler C, Löscher S, Wegscheider K, Abholz HH, Wilm S, Wollny A. HbA1c as a shared treatment goal in type 2 diabetes? A secondary analysis of the DEBATE trial. BMC Primary Care 2023; 24:115.
Mortsiefer A, Löscher S, Pashutina Y, Santos S, Altiner A, Drewelow E, Ritzke M, Wollny A, Thürmann P, Bencheva V, Gogolin M, Meyer G, Abraham J, Fleischer S, Icks A, Montalbo J, Wiese B, Wilm S, Feldmeier G. Family Conferences to Facilitate Deprescribing in Older Outpatients With Frailty and With Polypharmacy. The COFRAIL Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA Network Open 2023; 6(3): e234723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.4723.
Henning E, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Lücker P, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Drewelow E, Wollny A, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann R, Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Aufgabenübertragung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Pflegefachpersonen in Substitution und Delegation. Gesundheitswesen 2022; 84(05): 438-447. doi:10.1055/a-1690-6569.
Mann N-K, Schmiedl S, Mortsiefer A, Bencheva V, Löscher S, Ritzke M, Drewelow E, Feldmeier G, Santos S, Wilm S, Thürmann PA. Development of a deprescribing manual for frail older people for use in the COFRAIL study and in primary care. Ther Adv Drug Saf 2022;13: 1–11. doi:10.1177/20420986221122684.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Bernard S, Meid AD, Frick E, Metzner M, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Bücker B, Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters‑Klimm F, Kaufmann‑Kolle P, Thürmann PA, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Prevalence and patient‑rated relevance of complexity factors in medication regimens of community dwelling patients with polypharmacy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022:78;1127–1136.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Bernard S, Meid AD, Frick E, Metzner M, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Bücker B, Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters‑Klimm F, Kaufmann‑Kolle P, Thürmann PA, Seidling HM, Haefeli WE. HIOPP‑6 – a pilot study on the evaluation of an electronic tool to assess and reduce the complexity of drug treatment considering patients’ views. BMC Primary Care 2022:23;164.
Drewelow E, Ritzke M, Altiner A, Icks A, Montalbo J, Kalitzkus V, Löscher S, Pashutina Y, Fleischer S, Abraham J, Thürmann P, Mann NK, Wiese B, Wilm S, Wollny A, Feldmeier G, Buuck T, Mortsiefer A. Development of a shared decision-making intervention to improve drug safety and to reduce polypharmacy in frail elderly patients living at home. PEC Innovation 2022.
Henning E, Lücker P, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann RF, Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Qualifikationsbedarf für Pflegefachpersonen (mit erweiterten Kompetenzen) bei einer Aufgabenneuverteilung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2022.
Wanat M, Hoste ME, Gobat NH, Anastasaki M, Böhmer F, Chlabicz S, Colliers A, Farrell K, Hollerbach S, Karkana MN, Kinsman J, Lionis C, Marcinowicz L, Reinhardt K, Skoglund I, Sundvall PD, Vellinga A, Goossens H, Butler CC, van der Velden A, Anthierens S, Tonkin-Crine S. Patients' and clinicians' perspectives on the primary care consultations for acute respiratory infections during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an eight-country qualitative study in Europe. BJGP Open 2022; 6(2): BJGPO.2021.0172. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0172.
Mann N-K, Schmiedl S, Mortsiefer A, Bencheva V, Löscher S, Ritzke M, Drewelow E, Feldmeier G, Santos S, Wilm S, Thürmann PA. Development of a deprescribing manual for frail older people for use in the COFRAIL study and in primary care. Ther Adv Drug Saf 2022;13: 1–11. doi:10.1177/20420986221122684.
Junius-Walker U, Krause O, Thürmann P, Bernhard S, Fuchs A, Sparenberg L, Wollny A, Stolz R, Haumann H, Freytag A, Kirsch C, Usacheva S, Wilm S, Wiese B. Drug Safety for Nursing-Home Residents-Findings of a Pragmatic, Cluster-Randomized, Controlled Intervention Trialin 44 Nursing Homes. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2021;118(42):705-712. doi:10.3238/arztebl.m2021.0297.
Henning E, Lücker P, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann RF , Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Aufgabenübertragung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Pflegefachpersonen in Substitution und Delegation. Gesundheitswesen (accepted 31.08.2021; in print)
Drewelow E, Altiner A, Biedenweg B, Buchhholz M, Henning E, Hoffmann W, Kohlmann T, Lücker P, Michalowsky B, Oppermann RF, Rädke A, Zorn D, Wollny A. Aufgabenteilung in der ambulanten Demenzversorgung – Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit Hausärzten und Pflegefachpersonen. Die Pflege, Online veröffentlicht: November 24, 2021.
Wollny A, Löffler C, Drewelow E, Altiner A, Helbig C, Daubmann A, Wegscheider K, Löscher S, Pentzek M, Wilm S, Feldmeier G, Santos S. Shared decision making and patient‑centeredness for patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care - results of the cluster‑randomised controlled DEBATE trial. BMC Fam Pract 2021;22:93. doi:10.1186/s12875-021-01436-6.
Frech S, Guthoff RF, Gamael A, Helbig C, Diener A, Ritzke M, Wollny A, Altiner A. Patterns and Facilitators for the Promotion of Glaucoma Medication Adherence - A Qualitative Study. Healthcare 2021;9(4):426. doi:10.3390/healthcare9040426.
Wollny A, Löffler C, Drewelow E, Altiner A, Helbig C, Daubmann A, Wegscheider K, Löscher S, Pentzek M, Wilm S, Feldmeier G, Santos S. Shared decision making and patient‑centeredness for patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care - results of the cluster‑randomised controlled DEBATE trial. BMC Fam Pract 2021;22:93. doi:10.1186/s12875-021-01436-6.
Michalowsky B, Henning E, Rädke A, Dreier-Wolfgramm A, Altiner A, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Kohlmann T, Zorn D, Oppermann R, Bucholz M, Biedenweg B, Hoffmann W. Attitudes towards Advanced Nursing Roles in Primary Dementia Care – Results of an Observational Study in Germany. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2020.doi: 10.1111/jan.14705
van der Velden AW, Sessa A, Altiner A, Campos Pignatari AC , Shephard A. Patients with Sore Throat: A Survey of Self-Management and Healthcare-Seeking Behavior in 13 Countries Worldwide. Pragmatic and Observational Research 2020;11:91-102.
Paschke LM, Klimke K, Altiner A, von Stillfried D, Schulz M. Comparing stroke prevention therapy of direct oral anticoagulants and vitamin K antagonists in patients with atrial fibrillation: a nationwide retrospective observational study. BMC Medicine 2020;18:254.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Frick E, Metzner M, Bernard S, Thürmann PA, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters-Klimm F, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Development of an algorithm to detect and reduce complexity of drug treatment and its technical realisation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020;20:154.
Rieckert A, Reeves D, Altiner A, Drewelow E, Flamm M, Hahn M, Johansson T, Klaassen-Mielke R, Kunnamo I, Löffler C, Piccoliori G, Sommerauer C, Trampisch U, Vögele A, Woodham A, Sönnichsen A. Use of an electronic decision support tool to reduce polypharmacy in elderly people with chronic diseases: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2020;369:m1822.
Mortsiefer A, Wilm S, Santos S, Löscher S, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Ritzke M, Thürmann P, Mann NK, Meyer G, Abraham J, Icks A, Montalbo J, Wiese B, Altiner A; COFRAIL study group. Family conferences and shared prioritisation to improve patient safety in the frail elderly (COFRAIL): study protocol of a cluster randomised intervention trial in primary care. Trials 2020;21(1):285.
Krause O, Wiese B, Doyle I M, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Wilm S, Sparenberg L, Stolz R, Freytag A, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, HIOPP-3-iTBX study group. Multidisciplinary intervention to improve medication safety in nursing home residents: protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial (HIOPP-3-iTBX study). BMC Geriatr, 2019; 19, 24.
Rieckert A, Teichmann A-L, Drewelow E, Kriechmayr C, Piccoliori G, Woodham A, Sönnichsen A. Reduction of inappropriate medication in olderpopulations by electronic decision support(the PRIMA-eDS project): a survey of general practitioners’ experiences. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 0(0), 2019, 1–10; doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocz104.
Wollny A, Altiner A, Daubmann A, Drewelow E, Helbig C, Löscher S, Pentzek M, Santos S, Wegscheider K, Wilm S, Löffler C. Patient-centered communication and shared decision making to reduce HbA1c levels of patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus - results of the cluster-randomized controlled DEBATE trial. BMC Family Practice 2019; 20(1):87. BMC Family Practice
Pentzek M, Santos S, Wollny A, Gummersbach E, Herber OR, in der Schmitten J, Icks A, Abholz H-H, Wilm S. Which patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are perceived as ‘difficult’ by general practitioners? Primary Care Diabetes. 2019; 13(4):353-9.
Wurmbach V S, Lampert A, Schmidt SJ, Bernard S, Thürmann PA, Seidling HM, Haefeli WE, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, HIOPP-6 Konsortium (Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters-Klimm F, Kaufmann-Kolle P). Simplifying complex drug therapies: Challenges and solutions. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 61, 2018; 1146-1151.
Drewelow E, Santos S, Hornung A, Altiner A, Löffler C, Pentzek M, Wilm S, Löscher S, Wollny A. Beeinflusst der Wohnort die gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung in der Hausarztpraxis bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2? ZEFQ 2018;137-138:36-41. ZEFQ
Wollny A, Herber OR, Abholz HH, in der Schmitten J, Icks A, Wilm S, Gummersbach E. General practitioners' attitudes towards patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study. BMC Fam Pract 2018;19(1):49. BMC Family Practice
Rieckert A, Trampisch US, Klaaßen-Mielke R, Drewelow E, Esmail A, Johansson T, Keller S, Kunnamo I, Löffler C, Mäkinen J, Piccoliori G, Vögele A, Sönnichsen A. Polypharmacy in older patients with chronic diseases: a cross-sectional analysis of factors associated with excessive polypharmacy. BMC Family Practice 2018;19:113. BMC Family Practice
Schäfer I, Kaduszkiewicz H, Mellert C, Löffler C, Mortsiefer A, Ernst A, Stolzenbach CO, Wiese B, Abholz HH, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Altiner A. Narrative medicine-based intervention in primary care to reduce polypharmacy: results from the cluster-randomised controlled trial MultiCare AGENDA. BMJ Open 2018;8(1). PubMed
Stolz, R, Haumann H, Joos S, Doyle IM, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Bernard S, Altiner A, Wollny A, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Kortekamp S, Wiese B, Schneider N, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, Krause O. HIOPP-3: Interprofessional optimization of medication in nursing home residents – a cluster randomized controlled trial. In: STEMMER, P. D. R., ed. 1st international conference of the German Society for Nursing Science 4th - 5th of May 2018 2018a Berlin. Duisburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaften e.V., 40.
Stolz, R, Haumann H, Leibtritz H, Joos S, Doyle IM, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Bernard S, Altiner A, Wollny A, Wilm S, Fuchs A, Kortekamp S, Wiese B, Schneider N, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, Krause O. HIOPP-3: interprofessionelle Intervention zur Optimierung der Patientensicherheit bei Polypharmazie. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie Geriatrie, 2018; 51, S 137.
Teipel SJ, Keller F, Thyrian JR, Strohmaier U, Altiner A, Hoffmann W, Kilimann I. Hippocampus and Basal Forebrain Volumetry for Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis: Could It Be Useful in Primary Care? J Alzheimers Dis 2017;55(4):1379-1394.
van Eerd EA, Bech Risør M, Spigt M, Godycki-Cwirko M, Andreeva E, Francis N, Wollny A, Melbye H, van Schayck O, Kotz D. Why do physicians lack engagement with smoking cessation treatment in their COPD patients? A multinational qualitative study. Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 2017;27:41.
Mortsiefer A, Altiner A, Ernst A, Kadusziewicz H, Krahe A, Mellert C, SchäferI, Stolzenbach CO, Wiese B, Löffler C. Satisfaction with general practice care in German patients with multimorbidity: a cross-sectional study. Family Practice 2017;1–7.
Löffler C, Koudmani C, Böhmer F, Paschka SD, Höck J, Drewelow E, Stremme M, Stahlhacke B, Altiner A. Perceptions of interprofessional collaboration of general practitioners and community pharmacists - a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 2017;17:224. PubMed
Scholz M, Reske T, Böhmer F, Hornung A, Grabow N, Lang H. In vitro chlorhexidine release from alginate based microbeads for periodontal therapy. PLoS One 2017;12(10). PubMed
Teipel SJ, Keller F, Thyrian JR, Strohmaier U, Altiner A, Hoffmann W, Kilimann I. Hippocampus and Basal Forebrain Volumetry for Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis: Could It Be Useful in Primary Care? J Alzheimers Dis 2017;55(4):1379-1394. PubMed DOI: 10.3232/JAD-160778
Laue J, Melbye H, Halvorsen P, Andreeva E, Godycki-Cwirko M, Wollny A, Francis N, Spigt M, Kung K, Bech Risør M. How do general practitioners implement decision-making regarding COPD patients with exacerbations? An international focus group study. International Journal of COPD 2016;11:3109–3119. DOI: 10.2147/COPD.118856
Sönnichsen A, Trampisch U, Rieckert A, Piccoliori G, Vögele A, Flamm M, Johansson T, Esmail A, Reeves D, Löffler C, Höck J, Klaassen-Mielke R, Trampisch HJ, Kunnamo I. Polypharmacy in chronic diseases – Reduction of Inappropriate Medication and Adverse drug events in older populationsby electronic Decision Support (PRIMA-eDS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2016;17:57. PubMed DOI: Reduction of Inappropriate Medication and Adverse drug events in older populationsby electronic Decision Support
Johansson T, Abuzahra M E, Keller S, Mann E, Faller B, Sommerauer C, Höck J, Löffler C, Köchling A, Schuler J, Flamm M, Sönnichsen A. Impact of strategies to reduce polypharmacy on clinically relevant endpoints - a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJCP 2016;82(2):532-48. DOI:10.1111/bcp.12959
Dolezil D, Haase A, Jahnke K, Thonack J, Löffler C, Schmidt CO, Chenot JF. Krebsfrüherkennungsuntersuchungen im hohen Alter. Explorative Mixed-methods Studie. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2015. PubMed DOI: 10.1007/s00391-015-0920-1
Löffler C, Altiner A, Streich W, Stolzenbach CO, Fuchs A, Drewelow E, Hornung A, Feldmeier G, van den Bussche H, Kaduszkiewicz H. Multimorbidität aus Hausarzt- und Patientensicht. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2015; 48(5): 452-456. DOI: 10.1007/s00391-014-0820-9.
Davies F, Bech Risør M, Melbye H, Spigt M, Brookes-Howell L, O’Neill C, Godycki-Cwirko M, Wollny A, Andreeva E, Butler C, Francis N. Primary and secondary care clinicians’ views on self-treatment of COPD exacerbations: A multinational qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 2014; 96: 256–263. PubMed DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.204.05.011
Löffler C, Drewelow E, Paschka SD, Frankenstein M, Eger J, Jatsch L, Reisinger EC, Hallauer JF, Drewelow B, Heidorn K, Schröder H, Wollny A, Kundt G, Schmidt C, Altiner A. Optimizing polypharmacy among elderly hospital patients with chronic diseases. Study protocol of the cluster randomized controlled POLITE-RCT trial. Implement Sci 2014;9(1): 151. PubMed
Wicke F, Güthlin C, Mergenthal C, Gensichen J, Löffler C, Bickel H, Maier W, Riedel-Heller S G, Weyerer S, Wiese B, König H-H, Schön G, HansenH, van den Bussche H, Scherer M, Dahlhaus A. Depressive mood mediates the influence of social support on health-related quality of life in elderly, multimorbid patients. BMC Family Practice 2014; 15:62. PubMed
Risør MB, Spigt M, Iversen R, Godycki-Cwirko M, Francis N, Altiner A, Andreeva E, Kung K, Melbye H. The complexity of managing COPD exacerbations: a grounded theory study of European general practice. BMJ Open. 2013 Dec 5;3(12):e003861. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003861. PubMed
Brettschneider C, Leicht H, Bickel H, Dahlhaus A, Fuchs A, Gensichen J, Maier W, Riedel-Heller S, Schäfer I, Schön G, Weyerer S, Wiese B, van den Bussche H, Scherer M, König HH; MultiCare Study Group, Altiner A, et al. Relative impact of multimorbid chronic conditions on health-related quality of life--results from the MultiCare Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8 (6): e66742. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066742. PubMed
Altiner A, Schäfer I, Mellert C, Löffler C, Mortsiefer A, Ernst A, Stolzenbach CO, Wiese B, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Kaduszkiewicz H. Activating GENeral practitioners dialogue with patients on their Agenda (MultiCare AGENDA) study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Fam Pract 2012 Dec 12; 13 (1): 118. PubMed DOI:10.1186/1471-2296-13-118
Fuchs A, Wiese B, Altiner A, Wollny A, Pentzek M. Cued Recall and Other Cognitive Tasks to Facilitate Dementia Recognition in Primary Care. J Am Geriatr Soc 2012; 60 (1): 130-135. PubMed DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2011.03765.x
Forstmeier S, Maercker A, Maier W, van den Bussche H, Riedel-Heller S, Kaduszkiewicz H, Pentzek M, Weyerer S, Bickel H, Tebarth F, Luppa M, Wollny A, Wiese B, Wagner M. Motivational reserve: Motivation-related occupational abilities and risk of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease. Psychol Aging 2012; 27 (2): 353-363. PubMed DOI: 10.1037/a0025117
Fuchs A, Wiese B, Altiner A, Wollny A, Pentzek M. Der Visuelle Assoziationstest (VAT) - ein Demenztest für die Hausarztpraxis. Z Allg Med 2012; 88 (7/8): 334. ZfA-Online DOI: 10.1007/s00455-012-9401-2
Stein J, Luppa M, Luck T, Maier W, Wagner M, Daerr M, van den Bussche H, Zimmermann T, Köhler M, Bickel H, Mösch E, Weyerer S, Kaufeler T, Pentzek M, Wiese B,Wollny A, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG. The assessment of changes in cognitive functioning: age-, education-, and gender-specific reliable change indices for older adults tested on the CERAD-NP battery: results of the German Study on Ageing, Cognition, and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe). Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2012; 20 (1): 84-97. PubMed DOI:10.1097/JGP.0b013e318209dd08
Drewelow E, Wollny A, Pentzek M, Immecke J, Lambrecht S, Wilm S, Schluckebier I, Löscher S, Wegscheider K, Altiner A. Improvement of primary health care of patients with poorly regulated diabetes mellitus type 2 using shared decision-making - the DEBATE trial. BMC Fam Pract 2012; 13: 88. PubMed DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-13-88
Altiner A. Patients’ concepts of hypertension. BMJ 2012; 345: e4688 PubMed DOI: 10.1136/bmj.e4688
Löffler C, Kaduszkiewicz H, Stolzenbach CO, Streich W, Fuchs A, van den Bussche H,Stolper F, Altiner A. Coping with multimorbidity in old age - a qualitative study. BMC Fam Pract 2012; 29; 13 (1): 45. PubMed DOI:10.1186/1471-2296-13-45
Schäfer I, Hansen H, Schon G, Hofels S, Altiner A, Dahlhaus A, Gensichen J, Riedel-Heller S, Weyerer S, Blank W, Konig HH, von dem Knesebeck O, Wegscheider K, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Wiese B. The influence of age, gender and socio-economic status on multimorbidity patterns in primary care. First results from the MultiCare Cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res 2012; 12 (1): 89. PubMed DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-12-89
Scherer M, Niebling W, Wollny A. Nackenschmerzen - Überdiagnostik und -therapie vermeiden. Der Allgemeinarzt 2012; 34 (12): 36-37. Allgemeinarzt-Online DOI: 10.1007/BF03359583
Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Abholz HH, Wollny A. Awareness of local dementia services among general practitioners with an academic affiliation. Aging Clin Exp Res 2011; 23 (3): 241-243. PubMed DOI: 10.1007/BF03337750
Kaduszkiewicz H, Streich W, Fuchs A, Stolzenbach CO, Löffler C, Wiese B, Steinmann S, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Abholz HH, Altiner A. Kann die hausärztliche Versorgung multimorbider Patienten in Deutschland mithilfe des Chronic Care Modells verbessert werden? - Ergebnisse der Pilotierung der cluster-randomisierten, kontrollierten InterventionsstudieMultiCare 4. Z Gerontol Geriat 2011 (Suppl 2); 44: 95-98.
Herber O, Wollny A, Pentzek M, Abholz HH, Icks A, Wilm S. Was erzählen Hausärzte über ihre Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2? Mögliche Gründe für unbefriedigende Blutzuckerwerte. Z Allg Med 2010; 86 (5): 203-208. ZfA-Online DOI:10.3238zfa.2010.0203
Wollny A, Fuchs A, in der Schmitten J, Altiner A, Pentzek M. Zwischen Nähe und Distanz. Eine Studie zu hausärztlichen Wahrnehmungsweisen von an Demenz erkrankten Personen. Z Allg Med 2010; 86 (11): 425-434. ZfA-Online 10.3238/zfa.2010.0425
Reduktion unnötiger Antibiotikaverordnungen
Wanat M, Hoste ME, Anastasaki M, Böhmer F, Colliers A, Gkamaletsou M, Löffler C, Lionis C, Malania L, Shah M, Wollny A, Vellinga A, Butler C, van der Velden A, Anthierens S, Tonkin-Crine S. "The doctors were more knowledgeable about what I had": patient views on the value of point-of-care tests for managing respiratory infections in European primary care. BJGP Open. 2024:BJGPO. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2024.0139. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39622585.
Teoh L, Löffler C, Mun M, Agnihotry A, Kaur H, Born K, Thompson W. A Systematic Review of Dental Antibiotic Stewardship Interventions. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2024 Oct 14.
Böhmer F. Antibiotikatherapie bei akuten Atemwegsinfektionen – Empfehlung zur verzögerten Anwendung kann Antibiotikaverbrauch reduzieren. Z Allg Med 2024; 100: 181-183.
PPAS4 Paediatric Group. Antibiotics and uncertainty of diagnosis in viral respiratory infections: Point-prevalence survey across 15 European countries. Acta Paediatr 2023. doi: 10.1111/apa.16855.
Feldmeier G, Löffler C, Altiner A, Wollny A, Garbe K, Kronsteiner D, Köppen M, Szecsenyi J, Leyh M, Voss A, Kamradt M, Poß-Doering R, Wensing M, Kaufmann-Kolle P. Optimizing Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in German Primary Care: Results of the Regional Intervention Study CHANGE-3 and the Nested cRCT. Antibiotics 2023; 12: 850.
Hounkpatin H, Stuart B, Zhu S, Yao G, Moore M, Löffler C, Little P, Kenealy T, Gillespie D, Francis N A, Bostock J, Becque T, Arroll B, Altiner A, Alonso-Coello P, Hay A D. Post-consultation acute respiratory tract infection recovery: a latent class-informed analysis of individual patient data. Br J Gen Pract 2023; 23: 73(728): e196-e203. doi:10.3399/BJGP.2022.0229.
Löffler C, Buuck T, Iwen J, Schulz M, Zapf A, Kropp P, Wollny A, Krause L, Müller B, Ozga A-K, Goldschmidt E, Altiner A. Promoting rational antibiotic therapy among high antibiotic prescribers in German primary care – study protocol of the ElektRA 4‑arm cluster‑randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science 2022; 17: 69.
Wollny A, Altiner A, Garbe K, Klingenberg A, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Köppen M, Kamradt M, Poß-Doering R, Wensing M, Leyh M, Voss A, Feldmeier G. Akute Atemwegsinfekte und Antibiotika-Verordnungen: Welche Erwartungen haben Patient*innen? Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2022;147:e82-e90.
van der Velden A, van de Pol AC, Bongard E, Cianci D, Aabenhus R, Balan A, Böhmer F, Bralic Lang V, Bruno P, Chlabicz S, Coenen S, Colliers A, Garcia-Sangenis A, Ghazaryan H, Godycki-Cwirko M, Jensen S, Lionis C, van der Linde SR, Malania L, Pauer J, Tomacinschii A, Vellinga A, Zastavnyy I, Emmerich S, Zerda A, Verheij TJ, Goossens H, Butler CC. Point of care testing, antibiotic prescribing and prescribing confidence for respiratory tract infections in primary care: Prospective audit in 18 European countries. BJGP Open 2022:BJGPO.2021.0212. doi:10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0212.
Wanat M, Hoste ME, Gobat NH, Anastasaki M, Böhmer F, Chlabicz S, Colliers A, Farrell K, Hollerbach S, Karkana MN, Kinsman J, Lionis C, Marcinowicz L, Reinhardt K, Skoglund I, Sundvall PD, Vellinga A, Goossens H, Butler CC, van der Velden A, Anthierens S, Tonkin-Crine S. Patients' and clinicians' perspectives on the primary care consultations for acute respiratory infections during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an eight-country qualitative study in Europe. BJGP Open 2022; 6(2): BJGPO.2021.0172. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0172.
van der Velden A, van de Pol AC, Bongard E, Cianci D, Aabenhus R, Balan A, Böhmer F, Bralic Lang V, Bruno P, Chlabicz S, Coenen S, Colliers A, Garcia-Sangenis A, Ghazaryan H, Godycki-Cwirko M, Jensen S, Lionis C, van der Linde SR, Malania L, Pauer J, Tomacinschii A, Vellinga A, Zastavnyy I, Emmerich S, Zerda A, Verheij TJ, Goossens H, Butler CC. Point of care testing, antibiotic prescribing and prescribing confidence for respiratory tract infections in primary care: Prospective audit in 18 European countries. BJGP Open 2021:BJGPO.2021.0212. doi:10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0212.
Ewig S, Kolditz M, Pletz M, Altiner A, Albrich W, Drömann D, Flick H, Gatermann S, Krüger S, Nehls W, Panning M, Rademacher J, Rohde G, Rupp J, Schaaf B, Heppner HJ, Krause R, Ott S, Welte T, Witzenrath M. Management of Adult Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Prevention - Update 2021 - Guideline of the German Respiratory Society (DGP), the Paul-Ehrlich-Society for Chemotherapy (PEG), the German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI), the German Society of Medical Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN), the German Viological Society (DGV), the Competence Network CAPNETZ, the German College of General Practitioneers and Family Physicians (DEGAM), the German Society for Geriatric Medicine (DGG), the German Palliative Society (DGP), the Austrian Society of Pneumology Society (OGP), the Austrian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (OGIT), the Swiss Respiratory Society (SGP) and the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases Society (SSI). Pneumologie 2021;75(9):665-729. doi:10.1055/a-1497-0693.
Böhmer F, Hornung A, Burmeister U, Köchling A, Altiner A, Lang H, Löffler C. Factors, Perceptions and Beliefs Associated with Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing in German Primary Dental Care: A Qualitative Study. Antibiotics 2021, 10: 987. doi:10.3390/antibiotics10080987
Stuart B, Hounkpatin H, Becque T, Yao G, Zhu S, Alonso-Coello P,Altiner A, Arroll B, Böhning D, Bostock J, Bucher HC, Chao J, de la Poza M, Francis N, Gillespie D, Hay AD, Kenealy T, Löffler C, McCormick DP, Mas-Dalmau G, Muñoz L, Samuel K, Moore M, Little P. Delayed antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections: individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ 2021;373:n808. doi:10.1136/bmj.n808.
Coutinho G, Duerden M, Sessa A, Caretta-Barradas S, Altiner A. Worldwide comparison of treatment guidelines for sore throat. Int J Clin Pract 2021;75:e13879. doi:10.1111/ijcp.13879.
Löffler C, Krüger A, Daubmann A, Iwen J, Biedermann M, Schulz M, Wegscheider K, Altiner A, Feldmeier G, Wollny A. Optimizing Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in German Primary Care: Study Protocol for Evaluation of the RESIST Program. JMIR Res Protoc 2020;9(9):e18648. doi: 10.2196/18648.
Poß-Doering R, Kuehn L, Kamradt M, Glassen K, Fleischhauer T, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Koeppen M, Wollny A, Altiner A, Wensing M. Converting habits of antibiotic use for respiratory tract infections in German primary care (CHANGE-3) – process evaluation of a complex intervention. BMC Family Practice 2020;21:274.
Essack S, Bell J, Burgoyne D, Tongrod W, Duerden M, Sessa A,Altiner A, Shephard A. Point-of-Care Testing for Pharyngitis in the Pharmacy. Antibiotics 2020;9(11):743.
Löffler C, Altiner A, Diener A, Berner R, Feldmeier G, Helbig C, Kern WV, Köchling A, Schmid M, Schön G, Schröder H, Wegscheider K, Wollny A. Hospitalization for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in a Low-Antibiotic-Prescribing Setting: Cross-Sectional Data from General Practice. Antibiotics 2020;9:653.
Andres E, Szecsenyi J, Garbe K, Hartmann J, Petruschke I, Schulz M, Sturm H, Altiner A, Bauer A, Bornemann R, Gastmeier P, Schneider S, Schulz R, Wollny A, Kaufmann-Kolle P. Rationaler Antibiotikaeinsatz: Impulse für den hausärztlichen Versorgungsalltag (Symposium-Bericht). ZFA 2020;3:109-15.
Löffler C, Iwen I, Krüger A, Wollny A, Biedermann M, Schulz M, Altiner A. RESIST - ein neues Versorgungskonzept zur Resistenzvermeidung. HNO-Nachrichten 2019; 49(5):24-27.
Stuart B, Hounkpatin H, Becque T, Yao G, Zhu S, Alonso-Coello P, Altiner A, Arroll B, Böhning D, Bostock J, Bucher HCC, de la Poza M, Francis NA, Gillespie D, Hay AD, Kenealy T, Löffler C, Mas-Dalmau G, Muñoz L, Samuel K, Moore M, Little P. Delayed antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections: protocol of an individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2019;9:1. BMC Open
Wollny A, Altiner A, Brand T, Garbe K, Kamradt M, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Leyh M, Poß-Doering R, Szecsenyi J, Uhlmann L, Voss A, Weber D, Wensing M, Löffler C. Converting habits of antibiotic use for respiratory tract infections in German primary care – study protocol of the cluster-randomized controlled CHANGE-3 trial. Trials 2019;20:103. BMC-Trials
Feldmeier G, Altiner A, Böhmer F. Angemessenheit von Antibiotikaverordnungen in der Primärversorgung am Beispiel akuter Atemwegsinfekte. Arzneiverordnung in der Praxis 2018; 45(3): 109-15.
Köchling A, Löffler C, Reinsch S, Hornung A, Böhmer F, Altiner A, Chenot JF. Reduction of antibiotic prescriptions for acute respiratory tract infections in primary care: a systematic review. Implementation Science 2018;13:47. PubMed
Löffler C, Böhmer F.The effect of interventions aiming to optimise the prescription of antibiotics in dental care—A systematic review. PLoS ONE 2017;12(11).
Altiner A, Bell J, Duerden M, Essack S, Kozlov R, Noonan L, Oxford J, Pignatari AC, Sessa A, van der Velden A. More action, less resistance: report of the 2014 summit of the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership. Int J Pharm Pract 2015; 23(5): 370-377.
Böhmer F, Löffler C, Lang H. Antibiotika in der Zahnmedizin. Die DREAM-Studie der Universitätsmedizin Rostock. Dens 2015; 5: 21-22.
Scholz M, Böhmer F, Lang H. Lokale Delivery-Systeme in der parodontalen Therapie. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 2015; 70(1): 11-13.
Altiner A. Delayed antibiotic prescription for respiratory tract infections? - Delayed antibiotic prescription and no prescription lead to similar outcomes. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2014 May;139(17):874. PubMed
Löffler C, Böhmer F, Hornung A, Lang H, Burmeister U, Podbielski A, Wollny A, Kundt G, Altiner A. Dental care resistance prevention and antibiotic prescribing modification-the cluster-randomised controlled DREAM trial. Implement Sci 2014;9(1):27. PubMed
van der Velden AW, Bell J, Sessa A, Duerden M, AltinerA. Sore throat: effective communication delivers improved diagnosis, enhanced self-care and more rational use of antibiotics. Int J Clin Pract Suppl. 2013 Nov; (180):10-6. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12336. PubMed
Altiner A, Berner R, Diener A, Feldmeier G, Köchling A, Löffler C, Schröder H, Siegel A, Wollny A, Kern WV. Converting habits of antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in German primary care - the cluster-randomized controlled CHANGE-2-trial. BMC Fam Pract 2013; 13: 124. PubMed
Böhmer F, Scholz M, Löffler C, Lang H. Antibiotikaverordnungsverhalten und Resistenzen in der zahnärztlichen Niederlassung. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 2013; 68(3): 136–138.
van der Velden A, Duerden MG, Bell J, Oxford JS, Altiner A, Kozlov R, Sessa A, Pignatari AC, Essack SY. Prescriber and Patient Responsibilities in Treatment of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections - Essential for Conservation of Antibiotics. Antibiotics. 2013; 2: 316-327.
Altiner A, Wilm S, Wegscheider K, Sielk M, Brockmann S, Fuchs A, Abholz HH, in der Schmitten J. Fluoroquinolones to treat uncomplicated acute cough in primary care: Predictors for unjustified prescribing of antibiotics. J Antimicrob Chemother 2010; 65 (7): 1521-1525. PubMed
Moran JK, Jesuthasan J, Schalinski I, Kurmeyer C, Oertelt-Prigione S, Abels I, Stangier U, Starck A, Gutermann J, Zier U, Wollny A, Richter K, Krüger A, Schouler-Ocak M. Traumatic Life Events and Association With Depression, Anxiety, and Somatization Symptoms in Female Refugees. JAMA Network Open 2023; 6(7): e2324511. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.24511.
Dierich A, Schmidt K, Lison A, Schulze C, Schmeil M, Löffler C, Altiner A. Analyse der krankheitsbedingten Fehltage von Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr von 2008 bis 2018 Teil 1: Retrospektive Analyse mit Vergleich zur Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Gesundheitswesen 2023; DOI: 10.1055/a-1987-5847.
Feldmeier G, Löffler C, Altiner A, Wollny A, von Podewils F, Ritzke M. Audiovisual teleconsultation for patients with epilepsy in primary care in rural Germany: a pilot study on feasibility and acceptance. Pilot Feasibility Stud 2022;8(1):213. doi:10.1186/s40814-022-01171-4.
Henning E, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Lücker P, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Drewelow E, Wollny A, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann R, Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Aufgabenübertragung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Pflegefachpersonen in Substitution und Delegation. Gesundheitswesen 2022; 84(05): 438-447. doi:10.1055/a-1690-6569.
Henning E, Lücker P, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann RF, Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Qualifikationsbedarf für Pflegefachpersonen (mit erweiterten Kompetenzen) bei einer Aufgabenneuverteilung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2022.
Böhmer F, Hornung A, Burmeister U, Köchling A, Altiner A, Lang H, Löffler C. Factors, Perceptions and Beliefs Associated with Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing in German Primary Dental Care: A Qualitative Study. Antibiotics 2021, 10: 987. doi:10.3390/antibiotics10080987
Drewelow E, Altiner A, Biedenweg B, Buchhholz M, Henning E, Hoffmann W, Kohlmann T, Lücker P, Michalowsky B, Oppermann RF, Rädke A, Zorn D,Wollny A. Aufgabenteilung in der ambulanten Demenzversorgung – Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit Hausärzten und Pflegefachpersonen. Die Pflege, Online veröffentlicht: November 24, 2021.
Frech S, Guthoff RF, Gamael A, Helbig C, Diener A, Ritzke M, Wollny A, Altiner A. Patterns and Facilitators for the Promotion of Glaucoma Medication Adherence - A Qualitative Study. Healthcare 2021;9(4):426. doi:10.3390/healthcare9040426.
Helbig C, Wollny A, Altiner A,Diener A, Kohlen J, Ritzke M, Frech S, Guthoff RF. Treatment Complexity in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG): Perspectives on Patient Selection in Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) Using Stents. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2021; 238(3):302-310. doi: 10.1055/a-1241-4489.
Löffler C, Krüger A, Daubmann A, Iwen J, Biedermann M, Schulz M, Wegscheider K, Altiner A, Feldmeier G, Wollny A. Optimizing Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in German Primary Care: Study Protocol for Evaluation of the RESIST Program. JMIR Res Protoc 2020;9(9):e18648. doi: 10.2196/18648.
Poß-Doering R, Kuehn L, Kamradt M, Glassen K, Fleischhauer T, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Koeppen M, Wollny A, Altiner A, Wensing M. Converting habits of antibiotic use for respiratory tract infections in German primary care (CHANGE-3) – process evaluation of a complex intervention. BMC Family Practice 2020;21:274.
Essack S, Bell J, Burgoyne D, Tongrod W, Duerden M, Sessa A,Altiner A, Shephard A. Point-of-Care Testing for Pharyngitis in the Pharmacy. Antibiotics 2020;9(11):743.
Michalowsky B, Henning E, Rädke A, Dreier-Wolfgramm A, Altiner A, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Kohlmann T, Zorn D, Oppermann R, Bucholz M, Biedenweg B, Hoffmann W. Attitudes towards Advanced Nursing Roles in Primary Dementia Care – Results of an Observational Study in Germany. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2020.doi: 10.1111/jan.14705
Kirsch C, Doyle I-M, Krause O, Junius-Walker U, Wiese B, Thürmann P, Sparenberg LC, Wollny A, Fuchs A, Wilm S, Joos S, Stolz R, Haumann H. Care,,Lessons learned‘‘ – Herausforderungen im Rekrutierungsprozess inder cluster-randomisierten Pflegeheimstudie ,,HIOPP-3 iTBX‘‘. Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ) 2020;156-157:24-32.
Löffler C, Altiner A, Diener A, Berner R, Feldmeier G, Helbig C, Kern WV, Köchling A, Schmid M, Schön G, Schröder H, Wegscheider K, Wollny A. Hospitalization for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in a Low-Antibiotic-Prescribing Setting: Cross-Sectional Data from General Practice. Antibiotics 2020;9:653.
van der Velden AW, Sessa A, Altiner A, Campos Pignatari AC , Shephard A. Patients with Sore Throat: A Survey of Self-Management and Healthcare-Seeking Behavior in 13 Countries Worldwide. Pragmatic and Observational Research 2020;11:91-102.
Paschke LM, Klimke K, Altiner A, von Stillfried D, Schulz M. Comparing stroke prevention therapy of direct oral anticoagulants and vitamin K antagonists in patients with atrial fibrillation: a nationwide retrospective observational study. BMC Medicine 2020;18:254.
Mortsiefer A, Wilm S, Santos S, Löscher S, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Ritzke M, Thürmann P, Mann NK, Meyer G, Abraham J, Icks A, Montalbo J, Wiese B, Altiner A; COFRAIL study group. Family conferences and shared prioritisation to improve patient safety in the frail elderly (COFRAIL): study protocol of a cluster randomised intervention trial in primary care. Trials 2020;21(1):285.
Löffler C, Iwen I, Krüger A, Wollny A, Biedermann M, Schulz M, Altiner A. RESIST - ein neues Versorgungskonzept zur Resistenzvermeidung. HNO-Nachrichten 2019; 49(5):24-27.
Krause O, Wiese B, Doyle I M, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Wilm S, Sparenberg L, Stolz R, Freytag A, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, HIOPP-3-iTBX study group. Multidisciplinary intervention to improve medication safety in nursing home residents: protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial (HIOPP-3-iTBX study). BMC Geriatr, 2019; 19, 24.
Rieckert A, Teichmann A-L, Drewelow E, Kriechmayr C, Piccoliori G, Woodham A, Sönnichsen A. Reduction of inappropriate medication in olderpopulations by electronic decision support(the PRIMA-eDS project): a survey of general practitioners’ experiences. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 0(0), 2019, 1–10; doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocz104.
Leve V, Steinhausen S, Ufert M, Pentzek M, Mortsiefer A, Santos S, Wollny A, Haase B, Bahrs O, Heim S, Henze K-H, Tinsel I, Löscher S, Donner-Banzhoff N, Adarkwah CC, Vitinius F, Neugebauer E, Wilm S. Interventionsstudien zur Gesprächsführung in der hausärztlichen Versorgung. Erfahrungsbericht zur Teilnahmebereitschaft von Hausärztinnen und Hausärzten. Z Allg Med 2019; 95(7-8):319-24.
Wollny A, Altiner A, Daubmann A, Drewelow E, Helbig C, Löscher S, Pentzek M, Santos S, Wegscheider K, Wilm S, Löffler C. Patient-centered communication and shared decision making to reduce HbA1c levels of patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus - results of the cluster-randomized controlled DEBATE trial. BMC Family Practice 2019; 20(1):87. BMC Family Practice
Köchling A, Löffler C, Reinsch S, Hornung A, Böhmer F, Altiner A, Chenot JF. Reduction of antibiotic prescriptions for acute respiratory tract infections in primary care: a systematic review. Implementation Science 2018;13:47. PubMed
Jesuthasan J, Sönmez E, Abels I, Kurmeyer C, Gutermann J, Kimbel R, Krüger A, Niklewski G, Richter K, Stangier U, Wollny A, Zier U, Oertelt-Prigione S, Shouler-Ocak M, on behalf of the Female Refugee Study (FRS) Investigator. Near-death experiences, attacks by familymembers, and absence of health care intheir home countries affect the quality oflife of refugee women in Germany: a multi-region, cross-sectional, gender-sensitive study. BMC Medicine 2018;16:15. BMC Medicine
Schäfer I, Kaduszkiewicz H, Mellert C, Löffler C, Mortsiefer A, Ernst A, Stolzenbach CO, Wiese B, Abholz HH, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Altiner A. Narrative medicine-based intervention in primary care to reduce polypharmacy: results from the cluster-randomised controlled trial MultiCare AGENDA. BMJ Open 2018;8(1). PubMed
Stolz, R, Haumann H, Joos S, Doyle IM, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Bernard S, Altiner A, Wollny A, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Kortekamp S, Wiese B, Schneider N, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, Krause O. HIOPP-3: Interprofessional optimization of medication in nursing home residents – a cluster randomized controlled trial. In: STEMMER, P. D. R., ed. 1st international conference of the German Society for Nursing Science 4th - 5th of May 2018 2018a Berlin. Duisburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaften e.V., 40.
Stolz, R, Haumann H, Leibtritz H, Joos S, Doyle IM, Kirsch C, Thürmann P, Bernard S, Altiner A, Wollny A, Wilm S, Fuchs A, Kortekamp S, Wiese B, Schneider N, Bleidorn J, Junius-Walker U, Krause O. HIOPP-3: interprofessionelle Intervention zur Optimierung der Patientensicherheit bei Polypharmazie. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie Geriatrie, 2018; 51, S 137.
Löffler C, Böhmer F.The effect of interventions aiming to optimise the prescription of antibiotics in dental care—A systematic review. PLoS ONE 2017;12(11).
Schilling E, Böhmer F, Fritzsche C. 20-jähriger Mann mit Leistungsminderung und Synkopen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2017;142:1185-6.
Böhmer F, Altiner A. Fieber bei Erwachsenen aus Sicht der Allgemeinmedizin. Notfall Rettungsmed 2016;4.
Böhmer F, Löffler C, Lang H. Antibiotika in der Zahnmedizin. Die DREAM-Studie der Universitätsmedizin Rostock. Dens 2015; 5: 21-22.
Müller B, Baum A, Holzhausen M, Grittner U, Hilgendorf I, Martus P,Altiner A, Evers S, Rolfs A, Zettl UK, Kropp P. The Rostock Headache Questionnaire ("Rokoko")--validation of a tool to screen and to qualify primary headaches. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2014 Mar;82(3):145-8. PubMed
Wicke F, Güthlin C, Mergenthal C, Gensichen J, Löffler C, Bickel H, Maier W, Riedel-Heller S G, Weyerer S, Wiese B, König H-H, Schön G, HansenH, van den Bussche H, Scherer M, Dahlhaus A. Depressive mood mediates the influence of social support on health-related quality of life in elderly, multimorbid patients. BMC Family Practice 2014; 15:62. PubMed
Löffler C, Böhmer F, Hornung A, Lang H, Burmeister U, Podbielski A, Wollny A, Kundt G, Altiner A. Dental care resistance prevention and antibiotic prescribing modification-the cluster-randomised controlled DREAM trial. Implement Sci 2014;9(1):27. PubMed
Diener A, Celemín-Heinrich S, Wegscheider K, Kolpatzik K, Tomaschko K, Altiner A, Donner-Banzhoff N, Haasenritter J. In-vivo-validation of a cardiovascular risk prediction tool: the arriba-pro study. BMC Fam Pract 2013; 14: 13. PubMed
Pentzek M, Wollny A, Herber OR, Porst R, Icks A, Abholz HH, Wilm S. Itemkonstruktion in sequenziellen Mixed-methods-Studien - Methodenbeschreibung anhand eines Beispielprojekts. Z Allg Med 2012; 88 (12): 520-527. ZfA-Online
Forstmeier S, Maercker A, Maier W, van den Bussche H, Riedel-Heller S, Kaduszkiewicz H, Pentzek M, Weyerer S, Bickel H, Tebarth F, Luppa M, Wollny A, Wiese B, Wagner M. Motivational reserve: Motivation-related occupational abilities and risk of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease. Psychol Aging 2012; 27 (2): 353-363. PubMed
Hummers-Pradier E, Bleidorn J, Schmiemann G, Joos S, Becker A,Altiner A, Chenot JF, Scherer M. General practice-based clinical trials in Germany - a problem analysis. Trials 2012; 13: 205. PubMed
Stein J, Luppa M, Luck T, Maier W, Wagner M, Daerr M, van den Bussche H, Zimmermann T, Köhler M, Bickel H, Mösch E, Weyerer S, Kaufeler T, Pentzek M, Wiese B,Wollny A, König HH, Riedel-Heller SG. The assessment of changes in cognitive functioning: age-, education-, and gender-specific reliable change indices for older adults tested on the CERAD-NP battery: results of the German Study on Ageing, Cognition, and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe). Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2012; 20 (1): 84-97. PubMed
Schafer I, Hansen H, Schon G, Hofels S, Altiner A, Dahlhaus A, Gensichen J, Riedel-Heller S, Weyerer S, Blank W, Konig HH, von dem Knesebeck O, Wegscheider K, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Wiese B. The influence of age, gender and socio-economic status on multimorbidity patterns in primary care. First results from the MultiCare Cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res 2012; 12 (1): 89. PubMed
Stock K, Abholz HH, Altiner A, Wollny A. Warum nimmt ein Hausarzt an einer Interventionsstudie teil? Eine qualitative Analyse mittels Fallinterpretation. Z Allg Med 2012; 88 (5): 218-225. ZfA-Online
Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Abholz HH, Wollny A. Awareness of local dementia services among general practitioners with an academic affiliation. Aging Clin Exp Res 2011; 23 (3): 241-243. PubMed
Kaduszkiewicz H, Streich W, Fuchs A, Stolzenbach CO, Löffler C, Wiese B, Steinmann S, Scherer M, van den Bussche H, Abholz HH, Altiner A. Kann die hausärztliche Versorgung multimorbider Patienten in Deutschland mithilfe des Chronic Care Modells verbessert werden? - Ergebnisse der Pilotierung der cluster-randomisierten, kontrollierten InterventionsstudieMultiCare 4. Z Gerontol Geriat 2011 (Suppl 2); 44: 95-98.
Marx G, Wollny A. Qualitative Sozialforschung – Ausgangspunkte und Ansätze für eine forschende Allgemeinmedizin. Teil 3: Das narrative Interview als Instrument der Datenerhebung. Z Allg Med 2010; 86 (9): 329-334. ZfA-Online
Hausärztliches Berufsfeld
Henning E, Lücker P, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann RF, Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Qualifikationsbedarf für Pflegefachpersonen (mit erweiterten Kompetenzen) bei einer Aufgabenneuverteilung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2022.
Feldmeier G, Wollny A. Sonografie in der Hausarztpraxis. Allgemeinmedizin up2date 2022; 3: 245-256. DOI 10.1055/a-1398-4288.
Löffler C, Altiner A, Blumenthal S, Bruno P, De Sutter A, De Vos BJ, Dinant G-J, Duerden M, Dunais B, Egidi G, Gibis B, Melbye H, Rouquier F, Rosemann T, Touboul‑Lundgren P, Feldmeier G. Challenges and opportunities for general practice specific CME in Europe – a narrative review of seven countries. BMC Med Educ 2022; 22: 761.
Feldmeier G, Löffler C, Altiner A, Wollny A, von Podewils F, Ritzke M. Audiovisual teleconsultation for patients with epilepsy in primary care in rural Germany: a pilot study on feasibility and acceptance. Pilot Feasibility Stud 2022;8(1):213. doi:10.1186/s40814-022-01171-4.
Demmer I, Selgert L, Altiner A, Baum E, Becker A, Schmittdiel L, Streitlein-Böhme I, Michiels-Corsten M, Zutz S, Hummers E, Jünger J. Implementation of a uniform nationwide medical licensing examination in general practice. A feasibility study. GMS J Med Educ 2021;38(5):Doc96. doi:10.3205/zma001492.
Henning E, Lücker P, Rädke A, Michalowsky B, Biedenweg B, Buchholz M, Wollny A, Drewelow E, Zorn D, Altiner A, Oppermann RF , Kohlmann T, Hoffmann W. Aufgabenübertragung ärztlicher Tätigkeiten in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Pflegefachpersonen in Substitution und Delegation. Gesundheitswesen (accepted 31.08.2021; in print)
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Drewelow E, Wollny A, Pentzek M, Immecke J, Lambrecht S, Wilm S, Schluckebier I, Löscher S, Wegscheider K, Altiner A. Improvement of primary health care of patients with poorly regulated diabetes mellitus type 2 using shared decision-making - the DEBATE trial. BMC Fam Pract 2012; 13: 88. PubMed
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2)
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Hoste ME, Wanat M, Gobat N, Anastasaki M, Böhmer F, Chlabicz S, Colliers A, Farrell K, Karkana MN, Kinsman J, Lionis C, Marcinowicz L, Reinhardt K, Skoglund I, Sundvall PD, Vellinga A, Goossens H, Butler CC, van der Velden A, Tonkin-Crine S, Anthierens S. The experiences of patients ill with COVID-19-like symptoms and the role of testing for SARS-CoV-2 in supporting them: A qualitative study in eight European countries during the first wave of the pandemic. Eur J Gen Pract 2023; 29(2): 2212904. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2023.2212904.
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Wanat M, Hoste ME, Gobat NH, Anastasaki M, Böhmer F, Chlabicz S, Colliers A, Farrell K, Hollerbach S, Karkana MN, Kinsman J, Lionis C, Marcinowicz L, Reinhardt K, Skoglund I, Sundvall PD, Vellinga A, Goossens H, Butler CC, van der Velden A, Anthierens S, Tonkin-Crine S. Patients' and clinicians' perspectives on the primary care consultations for acute respiratory infections during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an eight-country qualitative study in Europe. BJGP Open 2022; 6(2): BJGPO.2021.0172. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0172.
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Lehre und Didaktik
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Kirschstein T, Wolters A, Lenz JH, Fröhlich S, Hakenberg O, Kundt G, Darmüntzel M, Hecker M, Altiner A, Müller-Hilke B. An algorithm for calculating exam quality as a basis for performance-based allocation of funds at medical schools. GMS J Med Educ 2016;33(3). PubMed
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Mortsiefer A, Rotthoff T, Schmelzer R, Immecke J, Ortmanns B, In der Schmitten J, Altiner A, Karger A. Implementation of the interdisciplinary curriculum Teaching and Assessing Communicative Competence in the fourth academic year of medical studies (CoMeD). GMS Z Med Ausbild 2012; 29 (1). PubMed
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Kommunikation und Shared Descision Making
Höck J, Altiner A, Drewelow E, Wollny A. Narrative Gesprächsführung als Kommunikationstechnik im Medizinstudium. Med Welt 2017;68:109-113.
Mortsiefer A, Immecke J, Rotthoff T, Karger A, Schmelzer R, Raski B, Schmitten JI, Altiner A, Pentzek M. Summative assessment of undergraduates' communication competence in challenging doctor-patient encounters. Evaluation of the Düsseldorf CoMeD-OSCE. Patient Educ Couns. 2014 Jun;95(3):348-55. PubMed
Büchtemann D, Wollny A, Mortsiefer A, in der Schmitten J, Rotthoff T, Karger A, Altiner A. Einstellungen von Studierenden im 4. Studienjahr zur Erlangung kommunikativer Kompetenzen. Z Allg Med 2011; 87 (3): 135-141. ZfA-Online
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